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Ayato Aishi (aka Yanderekun or Yankun) is the male counterpart of Ayano Aishi At this time this student is merely hypothetical and does not actually exist He also serves as the main antagonist in the spinoff minigame Yandere no Sutoka if the player chooses him in preferred yandere “Many people have requested the ability to play as a male protagonist instead of a.
Characters Yandere Simulator
Yandere Simulator Rival Introduction Video Rivals are the main antagonists of Yandere SimulatorIn the full game there will be ten rivals for the ten weeks of Story Mode with one rival appearing each weekOnly Osana appears in the demo build of the game but they have all been introduced in a video They’re the most important people to eliminate as they all have a crush.
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Yandere Simulator Mods Download
In Yandere Simulator the title of “Senpai” is given to the young man (or young woman) that the protagonist is infatuated with The player is given the option of choosing Senpai’s gender at the beginning of the game they might be “Senpaikun” or they might be “Senpaichan” If Senpai is a male his name is Taro Yamada and if she is a female.