Tulus Tulus. TulusCompany mempersembahkanVideo musik TULUS — ‘Sewindu’ diambil dari album ‘Tulus’ (2011)dirilis pada tanggal 12 Januari 2012 VIDEO MUSIKSutradara & Pen Video Duration 5 minViews 242MAuthor Tulus.
Tulus Tulus 2011 Cd Discogs from Discogs
Muhammad Tulus Rusydi or better known by his mononym Tulus is an Indonesian singer and songwriter of Minangkabau descent.
TULUS – Situs Resmi Tulus
TULUS Merilis Lagu Baru Berjudul ‘INGKAR’ finn 20210906T131900+0700 13 Agustus 2021 | ‘TULUS dan Andra Matin Beri Kejutan Manis Saat Lebaran’ di CasaIndonesiacom.
Tulus (singer) Wikipedia
The Official TULUS YouTube ChannelTULUS new song 'Ingkar' is available NOWGET ALL TULUS Albums on iTunesTULUS http//smarturlit/TULUSiTunesGAJAH http//.
Tulus on Apple Music
WARDAH mempersembahkanVideo musik TULUS — ‘Gajah’ diambil dari album ‘Gajah’ (2014)dirilis pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2014 VIDEO MUSIKSutradara & Penyunting Video Duration 4 minViews 206MAuthor Tulus.
Tulus Tulus 2011 Cd Discogs
TULUS Sewindu (Official Music Video) YouTube
Tulus YouTube
TULUS Gajah (Official Music Video) YouTube
About Tulus Bukittinggiborn Muhammad Tulus broke into the Indonesian music industry on his own terms — an eponymous 2011 debut released through his own Tulus Record (now TulusCompany) Since then the cherubfaced polymath has continued to weave his silky smooth crooning atop comfortable jazzinfluenced pop melodies such as on the dulcet “Monokrom” and the merry swinger “Baru”.