Sumber Vit K. Prodicus of Ceos (/ ˈ p r oʊ d ɪ k ə s / Greek Πρόδικος ὁ Κεῖος Pródikos ho Keios c 465 BC – c 395 BC) was a Greek philosopher and part of the first generation of SophistsHe came to Athens as ambassador from Ceos and became known as a speaker and a teacher Plato treats him with greater respect than the other sophists and in several of the Platonic dialogues.

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Junkers W 33 Wikipedia
The Junkers W 33 was a German 1920s singleengine lowwing monoplane transport aircraft that followed Junkers standard practice making extensive use of corrugated aluminium alloy over an aluminium alloy tube frame that was developed from the similar but slightly smaller Junkers F 13 and evolved into the similar W 34 One example named Bremen was the first aircraft to.
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Prodicus Wikipedia
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