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PDF fileSentry 330 Standard 780 lbs (351 kg) Weight of Depleted Uranium Shield Sentry 110 295 lb (133 kg) Sentry 330 485 lb (218 kg) Accreditation The Model Sentry 110 and Sentry 330 exposure devices are designed tested and manufactured to meet the requirements of ANSI N4321980 ISO 39992004(E) IAEA TSR1 (1996 Revised) USNRC 10 CFR34 10 CFR 71 and 49 CFR 173.
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With Sentry’s performance monitoring you can trace performance issues to poorperforming api calls and slow database queries Distributed Tracing 101 for Full Stack Developers Learn the insandouts of distributed tracing and how it can assist you in monitoring the increasingly complex requirements of full stack applications Read more Tracing for the Frontend (to the Backend).