Sd Data Tool Exe. If sdexe is located in a subfolder of C\Windows the security rating is 72% dangerous The file size is 239358 bytes Sdexe is a file with no information about its developer The program is not visible Sdexe is located in the Windows folder but it is not a Windows core file The file is not a Windows core file Sdexe is able to monitor applications and manipulate other programs 4/5 (4).

The SDATA Tool is a software that will double the capaciadad your memory card or USB (pendrive) and space as (24) (48) or (816) GB In a single click! Instructions Run SDATA Tool.
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SDATA Toolexe is usually located in the 'C\Programmes_suppl\SDATA\' folder Some of the antivirus scanners at VirusTotal detected SDATA Toolexe If you have additional information about the file please share it with the FreeFixer users by posting a comment at the bottom of this page.
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