My Little Pony On The Go Purse Applejack. Rarity sighed as she stood up from her seat “I’ll go get Applejack” As Rarity was heading towards the stairs Apple Bloom immediately went after her “Apple Bloom where are ya going!” Scootaloo exclaimed Apple Bloom ignored her friend as she continued to follow Rarity up the stairs and then towards her sister’s bedroom Ah need to see.

At the little girl’s room Gian manages to distract the little so he and his fellow captive try to make their escape but as they head towards the door loud stomping quakes indicate someone’s approaching Gian thinks quickly and manages to hide his friend but not himself The little girl’s giant mother enters the room and is about to step on Gian who freezes in place pretending to.
Where are these GTS?
G4 My Little Pony Applejack Mini
Chapter 5 The Dark Things Yet To Come An AnonaMiss