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Nationalgeographiccoid—Spesies kaki seribu yang baru ditemukan belum lama ini memiliki lebih banyak kaki daripada makhluk lain mana pun di planet ini Ya kaki seribu ini memiliki 1300 kaki Makhluk berkaki panjang ini hidup jauh di bawah permukaan bumi dan merupakan satusatunya kaki seribu yang diketahui hidup sesuai dengan namanya.
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Passive leg raise also known as shock position is a treatment for shock or a test to evaluate the need for further fluid resuscitation in a critically ill person It is the position of a person who is lying flat on their back with the legs elevated approximately 8–12 inches (200–300 mm).
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Unlike the flexible flat foot that is commonly encountered in young children congenital vertical talus is characterized by presence of a very rigid foot deformity The foot deformity in congenital vertical talus consists of various components namely a prominent calcaneus caused by the ankle equines or planter flexion a convex and rounded sole of the foot caused by prominence of the.
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Passive leg raise Wikipedia
Temuan Terbaru: Kaki Seribu Berkaki Terbanyak, Berapa
Segitiga Sama Kaki : Sifat, Rumus, Gambar, dan Contoh Soal
Rocker bottom foot Wikipedia
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