Error Did Not Find Any Matching Data In Cfg File. @ Aleks it’s not the accepted answer because it has nothing to do with the OP’s question He could no longer check out a branch he’d previously checked out (ie created) locallyJust because other people with a different much more basic problem have found & upvoted this answer (which is completely trivial and wellknown to any git user with more than.

If you have set the B property in the mrtgcfg file the index will take this into account The only thing you must tell it is the path to your grapher cgi (default /cgibin/14allcgi) =item B I By default we assume that the file generated by indexmaker is.
Git: cannot checkout branch error: pathspec '' did
To resolve the error detailed previously follow the steps listed below Open the configuration backup file with a Text Editor Check if any of the EndPointSecurity configuration files listed contain corrupt or missing data Remove the corrupt section from the configuration backup file and save changes.
The selected file does not have the correct format when
The snapshot of the configuration shows theses errors at the end of the file Code Select all Error Could not find any contact matching [REDACTED](config file ‘/usr/local/nagios/etc/contactgroupscfg‘ starting on line 50)20171127201512212014052720130303.
How to Install and Configure MRTG on Ubuntu 18.04
if you get this ERROR did not find any matching data in cfg file just go to /etc/snmp/snmpdconf and uncomment this line rocommunity public localhost after this you need to restart the snmp /etc/initd/snmpd restart // i’m using ubuntu 1404Code sampleTarget[127001_1] 1public@127001SetEnv[127001_1] MRTG_INT_IP=”127001″ MRTG_INT_DESCR=”lo”MaxBytes[127001_1] 1250000Title[127001_1] Traffic Analysis for local loopbackPageTop[127001_1] Traffic Analysis for local loopbackWas this helpful?Thanks! 20210210.
How To Install And Configure Mrtg On Ubuntu 18 04 20 04
Can’t find any Error #1133 … phpmyadmin MySQL
How to Install and Configure MRTG on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04
matching data in not find any MRTG: ERROR: did cfg file
mrtg config indexmaker problem
Git: error: pathspec ‘’ did not match any file
mrtg installation errors unable to cfgmaker
MRTG: ERROR: did cfg file not find any matching data in
mrtg/indexmaker at master · oetiker/mrtg · GitHub
MRTG: ERROR: did not find any matching data in cfg file
View topic Errors in config file for contactgroups.cfg
c Unable .cfg on PlayerStage to run new Stack Overflow
MRTG Issue ERROR: did not find any matching data in cfg
Install and Configure MRTG on Ubuntu 16.04 Server
Solved: MRTG cfgmaker generating cfg file correctly
What does error code PExxx mean? Paessler Knowledge Base
4 EnableIPv6 no RunAsDaemon Yes Interval 5 Logdir /var/log/ EnableIPv6 no Ako posledný krok vytváram cez indexmaker indexhtml vtedy ale dostanem chybu ERROR did not find any matching data in cfg file Môj príkaz indexmaker output=/var/www/mrtg/indexhtml /etc/mrtg/mrtgcfg.