E Satria. Preliminary research Gas mixture flowrate detector based on acoustic measurement M Febrina E Satria M Djamal NewtonMaxwell Journal of Physics 2 (1) 2021 2021 Development of a New Data Processing System for Increasing the Accuracy of a Levitation Mass Method (LMM) based Measurement E Satria H Hendro Y Fujii M Djamal.
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The full Kaband SATRIA satellite will carry more than 150 gigabits per second over the full Indonesian territory Dedicated to narrow the digital divide SATRIA has the ambition to connect around 145000 areas including 90000 schools 40000 hospitals and public buildings as well as regional government sites not linked by existing satellite or terrestrial infrastructure The satellite will Contractors Thales Alenia SpaceOperator Satelit Nusantara Tiga (SNT)Nation IndonesiaType / Application Communication.
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