Donat Bakar. Donat bakar atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan DOKAR adalah suatu varasi baru dari donat Dan kami membuka program waralaba donat bakar/franchise Donuts.
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DOKAR Donat Bakar got the idea to make the donuts that can be enjoyed in a fresh condition like just out of the frying pan And by burning donuts before serving to the consumer allows each of customers can enjoy the warm tenderness like a donuts just lifted from the frying pan with the chocolate is still melted glaze.
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Donat Bakar 125 likes http//apiwhatsappcom/send?phone=6282261661994.
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Resep Donat bakar (20) Donat kentang bakar Bahan A • tepung protein tinggi • garam • gula • ragi • kentang kukus • susu • telur utuh elvira Agustina 52 Soft Cake Donat Bakar putih telur • gula pasir • cream of tartar • garam • air • butter • minyak sayur • kuning telur.
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20 resep donat bakar enak dan mudah Cookpad
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