Bonsai Windswept Style. Windswept – Fukinagashi The windswept bonsai is an example of a treeRaft Style – Ikadabuki The above picture is an example of a “raft” as it isForest Bonsai – Yoseue The many trees in a forest look unplanned Just theBroom Style – Hokidachi The trunk is about one third of the tree The top twoUnique Bonsai Styles At first glance many bonsai styles can be identified by.

Broom style Bonsai (Hokidachi) The broom style is suited for deciduous trees withFormal upright Bonsai style (Chokkan) The formal upright style is a very common form ofInformal upright Bonsai style (Moyogi) The informal upright style is common in both natureSlanting Bonsai style (Shakan) As a result of the wind blowing in one dominant direction orCascade Bonsai style (Kengai) A tree living in nature on a steep cliff can bend downward asSemi cascade Bonsai style (Hankengai) The semicascade style just like the cascade styleLiterati Bonsai style (Bunjingi) In nature this style of tree is found in areas densely populatedWindswept Bonsai style (Fukinagashi) The windswept style also is a good example of treesDouble trunk style Bonsai (Sokan) The double trunk style is common in nature but is notMultitrunk Bonsai style (Kabudachi) In theory the multi trunk style is the same as the double.
r/Bonsai Attempt at windswept style from nursery stock
I think it looks great whether a person thinks it’s windswept or not doesn’t matter Bonsai is an art style and each style can be up to interpretation by the artist Beautifully done .
r/Bonsai New Shohin Trees imported all the way from Hong
Typically a windswept bonsai will be an evergreen A bonsai in the windswept style represents a very common occurrence in nature If you have ever been in the mountains for example or on cliffs by the sea where prevailing winds lash at the trees you will have seen how they react to such stress Usually they are stunted because they aren’t growing under ideal conditions!.
Bonsai styles, shapes and forms Bonsai Empire
This style describes a tree that seems affected by strong winds twisting and shaping from one direction this style is based on trees found high on a mountain top or on an ocean shoreline The windswept characteristic can be applied to a number of the basic styles including informal upright slanting and semicascade.
The Ultimate Bonsai Style Mega Guide With Examples
Five Basic Japanese Styles Bonsai Mary
Windswept style: Fukinagashi Bonsai BCI
58 Bonsai Windswept (Fukinagashi) ideas bonsai
WINDSWEPT Satori Bonsai Studios
Juniper Bonsai Windswept Style Bonsai Creek
39 Best Bonsaiish Windswept style (Fukinagashi) ideas
Bonsai Windswept Style greengate
Rookie attempt at the windswept style : Bonsai
Online Encyclopedia Windswept style (Bonsai)
National Bonsai … Bonsai Blog — Windswept Bonsai —
Bonsai Windswept Etsy
ofBonsai Magazine Bonsai Styles: WindSwept – Fukinagashi
Bonsai Wikipedia
10 Windswept bonsai (Fukinagashi) ideas windswept bonsai
286 votes 22 comments 236k members in the Bonsai community Bonsai trees and associated plants Focusing on styling bonsai showing member’s.