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Tania Ayu Siregar was born on January 31 1994 in Jakarta Indonesia Her zodiac sign is Aquarius and she will be 27 in 2021 She also has Indonesian nationality and is of mixed ethnicity from Cilacap Batak Her father is from Batak.
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Behind the scene photo shoot with Sagami Idol November 2017 Tania Ayu SiregarSagami Indonesia adcampaignVideo by Beauty Thru The LensMusic Uplink and Alex Sk.
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Tania Ayu Idol Siregar X Sagami Behind the scene
Story Fotofoto Clubbing Tania Ayu Siregar
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T (@taniaayusiregarofficial) Instagram photos and videos
Tania Ayu Siregar Bio, Age, Net Worth, Height, Single
Interview Tania Ayu Siregar Clubber of the Week #11
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What is the Age of Tania Ayu Siregar? Height, Net Worth
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968k Followers 365 Following 352 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from T (@taniaayusiregarofficial).