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The EJ251 and EJ252 engines had two ignition coils (one for each pair of cylinders ie 12 and 34) which fired the spark plugs directly twice per cycle The ignition knock control system had ‘fuzzy logic’ that enabled the maximum ignition advanced angle to be used without detonation since the programme continually adapted to changes in environmental conditions and fuel.
Alice de Battenberg — Wikipédia
Engeland gesigneerd John Ellicott met musicerende dames 6 melodieën op 11 bellen van een uitzonderlijk schoonheid hoogte 58 cm 07/09/2020 Hamerprijs € 15000.
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EJ251 and EJ252 Subaru Engines
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EJ20X and EJ20Y Subaru Engines
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An Italian hunter died last week in Tuscany after he was attacked by a wild boar he had just shot that bit him in the leg and severed his femoral artery according to reports.