Antonim Timid. The meaning of TIMID is lacking in courage or selfconfidence How to use timid in a sentence lacking in courage or selfconfidence lacking in boldness or determination See the full definition SINCE 1828 GAMES & QUIZZES THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY FEATURES SHOP Buying Guide MW Books LOG IN REGISTER settings log out MY WORDS MY WORDS dictionary.

Antonim dari timid Alternative for timid timider timidest Sinonim bashful cowardly coy demure fearful meek reserved restrained retiring sheepish shy Antonim bold Adjective bold able brave calm conceited confident courageous egotistical extroverted loud proud strong unabashed unafraid daring fearless Sinonim dari timid timid Idiom English Vocalbulary.
Timid antonyms 576 Opposites of Timid Power …
What is the opposite of Timid? Antonyms for Timid (related to meek).
Opposite of Timid, Antonym of Timid, 14 Opposite Words For
Diccionari de sinònims de català/valencià en línia de Softcatalà Sinònims antònims mots afins paraules relacionades.
The word "timid": antonym, synonym Secondary education
adj shy synonyms for timid Compare Synonyms ambivalent bashful demure diffident fearful feeble frightened gentle humble modest nervous weak Milquetoast shrinking trembling wavering yellow afraid apprehensive badgered browbeaten bullied capricious cowardly cowed cowering coy daunted fainthearted having cold feet intimidated irresolute mousy.
Learn English Ro Invață Engleza Ușor Adjective Antonime
Synonyms and Antonyms for timid
11 Antonyms for Timid related to Meek Power Thesaurus
Meaning and Example Opposite Of Timid, Antonyms of Timid,
timid antonime DEX Dictionar Explicativ Roman
TIMID in Thesaurus: 1000+ Synonyms & Antonyms for TIMID
What is the synonyms of timid? –
85 Synonyms & Antonyms of TIMID MerriamWebster
What is the opposite of timid? Thesaurus and Word Tools
Synonyms for timid List of English synonyms
sinònims de Diccionari de sinònims: tímid. Diccionari de
Timid Meaning showing a lack of courage or confidence Opposite Of Timid Antonyms of Timid adventurous audacious defiant doughty fearless gritty gutsy heroic hero like imprudent indomitable intrepid lionhearted nervy plucky reckless resolute spirited stouthearted unabashed unafraid Example Sentences with Timid A Timid voice came from the hallway.