Abu Salamah. ‘Abd alAsad ibn Hilal ibn ‘Abdillah ibn ‘’Omar ibn Makhzum nicknamed “Abu Salamah’ He migrated to Ethiopia (in 615 AD) with his wife Umm Salamah daughter of Abu Umaima alMakhzumi daughter of his paternal uncle Having participated in both migrations he took part in the Battle of Badr and was fatally wounded at Uhud dying afterwards of his wounds Prophet’s.

Quran Academy abu salamah
Quran Academy from Quran Academy

Abu Salamah forgot about his wounded side and fought valiantly Muslims were victorious and they left for Medina with the riches of the war booty The wound of Abu Salamah ra had already started bleeding inside and the journey was also long & exhausting When the army entered Medina all Muslims were extremely happy including Umm Salamah.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abdil Asad (ra)

Yazan Abu Salameh Palestinian Artist Yazan Abu Salamah was born in 1993 in Jerusalem He studied Fine Arts at Dar AlKalima College in Bethlehem in 2011 and participated in several workshops including scenography at Al Quds College in Beit Jala He taught art at several community centers including the center at Aidya Refugee Camp in Bethlehem.

Muhammad: Background and Immediate Family AlIslam.org

Abu Salamah RA atau nama aslinya Abdullah bin Abdul Asad memeluk Islam pada masa permulaan Islam begitu juga dengan istrinya Ummu Salamah Sebagian riwayat menyebutkan ia orang ke sepuluh yang memeluk Islam Karena tekanan dan gangguan yang begitu hebat dari kaum Quraisy mereka berdua ikut hijrah ke Habasyah Disanalah lahir anak.

Hadith by Abu Salamah from Sunan Ibn Majah ahadith.co.uk

Abu Salamah was among the favourite companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) because of his early acceptance of Islaam his endurance of immigration and Jihaad in the way of Allah and his firm eemaan bravery worship and righteousness.

Quran Academy

Abu Umayyah Islams Women Umm Salamah bint

Abu Salamah idealmuslimah.com

Ahmad Salamah The Fundamentals Of Islamic CreedAbu Jafer

Ali Hassan Salameh Wikipedia

Pretty Girls in with Qabilat Awlad Abu Salamah Chat

Bulugh alMaram 538 Funerals كتاب الجنائز Sunnah.com

Umm Salamah Companion of the Prophet Islamic History

Umm Salamah II Islamweb.net

Wetnurses of Prophet Muhammad I Islamweb

Yazan Abu Salameh Palestinian Artist Bio & Artworks

A Walk in the Shoes of Umm Salamah R.A. Quran Academy

Lesson : SistersInSunnah

Abdullah (Abu Salamah) R islam4theworld.net

Men in Qabilat Awlad Abu Salamah Men Nearby Sentimente

Kisah Sahabat RasulullahKisah Islami Abu Salamah Ra

Who was Umm Salamah? Yahoo Search Results

Untaian Kisah: Kisah Abu Salamah bin Abdurrahman bin Auf

A Story of Our Mother Umm Salamah (radhiAllah anha

Umm Salamah and her husband Abu Salamah were among some of the early accepters of alIslam and actually performed Hijrah twice (migration for the sake of Allah) When her husband died Umm Salamah she was in grief and RasoolAllah (ﷺ) instructed her to make the du’a of calamity This incident is where we learn of this invaluable du’a actually.